
Review Movie Response

One movie I want to see is E.T.

Here is some reviews.

TylerVanP from United States "This is Spielberg at his best....It will not only make you laugh and make you smile, but it will touch your heart deeper than any movie"

jenmac_85 from Glasgow, Scotland"Really cried....This story in which S.S developed helps adults to return to that time."

JasonWest from Chicago, IL"It excites a story adults often forget"

Based on the review, I want to see the movie even more!

I think this movie is remembered when we were children.
This movie is full of adventure, mystery and friendship.

It's sunny day today

I'm happy today because it's sunny today!!
Yesterday,it was rainy.
I don't like rainy day.

So I'm happy today!!

That's all.
See you later everyone.


Check out this movie

1. What kind of movie?
This is comedy,dorama and family movie.

modern family and an uncontrolled dog's story

MARLEY is a dog which is yellow Labrador Retriever and he is a somewhat uncontrolled dog.
He is strong, powerful, endlessly hungry, eager to be active.


MARLEY involves their family many affairs.

5.What happen?

MARLEY spend good time with their family.

And he cause many affairs!!

What's this movie?

When Willy Wonka decides to let five children into his ********, he decides to release five golden tickets in five separate chocolate bars, causing complete mayhem. The tickets start to be found, with the fifth going to a very special boy, called ********. With his Grandpa, **** joins the rest of the children to experience the most amazing factory ever. But not everything goes to plan within the factory. Written by FilmFanUK


Introduce myself

Hello,my name is AYAKA.
Nice to meet you.

I'm full of 3rd yearsstudent,Faculty of Globaland Inter-cultual Studies.
I like tennis very much.
When I was in junior and high school, I'm a member of the tennis club.